Monday, February 25, 2008


Nothing new to report. I prefer not to type on NewLappy tonight. He is very needy in the backspace function. Or perhaps it is just my typing.

We will be home tomorrow. Mansion Sweet Mansion. I'm sure tomorrow will be an abbreviated post as well, what with the debate to watch.

We drove up here through the snow, and there is freezing rain and snow forecast for tomorrow. The circle is complete.


Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

Did you learn anything good at your conference? I mean besides the fact that getting out of class is worth any amount of boredom? That's what I learn every time.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I leaned some propaganda, perhaps. We had a jerky guy from DESE, our state dept. of ed. He said that according to the feds, Missouri has the science test with the most RIGOR. And it is not surprising that many of our students do not score highly on it.

This jerky dude also said that the state that ranked at the bottom for a rigorous science test was Mississippi. Yet 80% of their students pass the test. So on paper, it looks like the MS kids are science geniuses.

I don't know if that's true. It could explain why you have to keep teaching things that those little boogers should already know by 7th/8th grade. Perhaps they DID master what was expected of them in elementary. But the expectations were low.

I don't know. The guy was a jerk. He could have made it up on the spot.

Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

The guy was a jerk. He could have made it up on the spot.

Yep. Sure coulda. If you're ever in a spot where you need to look like you know something, spout out an insulting statistic about Mississippi. It'll sound true, everyone will believe you, and it'll look like you know something about what's going on in the world of education.

I wish I knew the answers to our problems. We're not all retarded-- really, we're not! Today I asked my kids to list ten things from their past that have had an impact on who they are today. This was going to be tied in to a brilliant idea that I stole from someone on how to trick them into writing a narrative essay using past, present, and future tense verbs. Anyway, upon being asked to list 10 things about themselves, they stared at the papers and didn't move. I could understand the hesitation if I'd asked them to list ten things about the person sitting next to them, but I asked them to think of ten things about themselves. Who else would know? I realize they're only 13 or 14 (with the occasional stray 15 year old) and have limited life experience to draw on, but damn-- ten things.

I even modeled it for them, because you know that's what they say to do in those conferences. I listed ten things about my past, linked them to the present, and then to the future. I verbalized every thought that went through my head in the process. They seemed to listen. Then when it's turned over to them--- blank stares and even more blank pages. A few said, "You just gone haf ta give ME a ZERO!"

What can I do with that kind of attitude? How can you even respond? "Okay, zero granted."

Some days I wish I could just teach them how to read and write enough to sign their welfare checks and kick 'em the hell out. Save the state a lot of money on education-- the majority of them are gonna be dependent on government money regardless of how long we force them to sit in a desk and eat free breakfasts and lunches, so why bother?


No wonder teachers are burning out in less than five years. I already sound like one of them, don't I?